Prof. Dr. med. habil. Klaus Richter
D-10787 Berlin
Telefon: (0049) 030 2636 7132
Fax: (0049) 030 2636 7923
E-Mail: richter@pathologie-richter.de
1954 – 1958
Grammar School
1958 – 1960
military service
1960 – 1966
study of medicine
doctorate PhD
1966 – 1968
University Rostock – lnstitute of Pathology resident
1971 – 1976
Institute of Pathology of the Capital of Hannover – assistant physician, from 1973 assistant medical director
1976 – 1981
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
habilitation—qualification as a university lecturer
Thiersch-Preis award of the University of Erlangen
1980 – 2005
university lecturer on Allgemeine und Spezielle Pathologie and special topics in pathology
1981 – 2007
Institute of Pathology Hannover Berliner Allee (head)
2005 – 2007
senior head Institute of Pathology Hannover
- Scientific research on autoimmune pancreatitis
- Many years of experience in general and specific pathology
- Long standing experience in histological and cytological diagnosing, in specific morphologic methods and in molecular-pathologic investigation
© 2018 | Prof. Dr. med. habil. Klaus Richter | Impressum | Datenschutz
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Klaus Richter
D-10787 Berlin
Telefon: (0049) 030 2636 7132
Fax: (0049) 030 2636 7923
E-Mail: richter@pathologie-richter.de
1954 – 1958
Grammar School
1958 – 1960
military service
1960 – 1966
study of medicine
doctorate PhD
1966 – 1968
University Rostock – lnstitute of Pathology resident
1971 – 1976
Institute of Pathology of the Capital of Hannover – assistant physician, from 1973 assistant medical director
1976 – 1981
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
habilitation—qualification as a university lecturer
Thiersch-Preis award of the University of Erlangen
1980 – 2005
university lecturer on Allgemeine und Spezielle Pathologie and special topics in pathology
1981 – 2007
Institute of Pathology Hannover Berliner Allee (head)
2005 – 2007
senior head Institute of Pathology Hannover
- Scientific research on autoimmune pancreatitis
- Many years of experience in general and specific pathology
- Long standing experience in histological and cytological diagnosing, in specific morphologic methods and in molecular-pathologic investigation
© 2018 | Prof. Dr. med. habil. Klaus Richter | Impressum | Datenschutz
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Klaus Richter

D-10787 Berlin
Telefon: (0049) 030 2636 7132
Fax: (0049) 030 2636 7923
E-Mail: richter@pathologie-richter.de
1954 – 1958
Grammar School
1958 – 1960
military service
1960 – 1966
study of medicine
doctorate PhD
1966 – 1968
University Rostock – lnstitute of Pathology resident
1971 – 1976
Institute of Pathology of the Capital of Hannover – assistant physician, from 1973 assistant medical director
1976 – 1981
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
habilitation—qualification as a university lecturer
Thiersch-Preis award of the University of Erlangen
1980 – 2005
university lecturer on Allgemeine und Spezielle Pathologie and special topics in pathology
1981 – 2007
Institute of Pathology Hannover Berliner Allee (head)
2005 – 2007
senior head Institute of Pathology Hannover
- Scientific research on autoimmune pancreatitis
- Many years of experience in general and specific pathology
- Long standing experience in histological and cytological diagnosing, in specific morphologic methods and in molecular-pathologic investigation
© 2018 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Richter | Impressum | Datenschutz